CusRev plugin adds a special cr_wpml_is_filtered cookie to ensure compatibility with WPML plugin. WPML can either show reviews in all languages or show reviews in the active language only. The cookie is necessary for compatibility with WPML plugin.

If you would like to disable the WPML cookie, please add the following code snippet to the functions.php file of your WordPress theme. However, please note that review filtering will NOT work correctly with WPML plugin after it.

function my_cr_wpml_cookie( $set_cookie ) {
   $set_cookie = false;
   return $set_cookie;
add_filter( 'cr_wpml_cookie', 'my_cr_wpml_cookie', 10, 1 );

Still need help?

We hope that this solution was helpful. If not, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on the support forum. If you have a Pro license, please create a ticket on this portal for priority support. We are always available to help.