What is CusRev

CusRev, short for Customer Reviews, is an online platform that hosts reviews for businesses. It is designed to help consumers make decisions about businesses by providing a space where they can read and write reviews about companies they have interacted with.

CusRev offers businesses a voluntary scheme for verification of reviews. Businesses can invite customers to review their recent orders using an open source plugin for e-commerce stores developed and maintained by CusRev. Reviews written by customers in response to the invitations are published on CusRev.com. Businesses cannot edit or delete reviews at CusRev.com.

How Does CusRev Work

After a business has delivered goods and/or services to a customer, they can use CusRev to invite the customer to write a review about their order. The customer will receive a personalized invitation to review the items they purchased. If the customer decides to accept the invitation and write reviews, CusRev will publish their reviews on CusRev.com and also transmit them to the business, allowing the business to address any issues raised in the reviews.

Limitations of Reviews Verification

It is important to highlight limitations of the verification scheme offered by CusRev:

  • First, although the default setting of the CusRev plugin is to invite all customers to write reviews, businesses can change it and send review invitations only to selected customers (e.g., customers who they know had good experience at their stores and are likely to write positive reviews).
  • Second, CusRev doesn't check or endorse any of the reviews. The verification scheme is completely automatic and based on the principle that once a business invited a person to review them, they will not be able to edit or delete the review should that person decide to write it.