If your products have a lot of reviews (thanks to our plugin) and to display them all on a single page takes up too much space, there are options to limit the number of reviews and add a pagination link or a 'Show more' button to the reviews tab.

There are two ways to display reviews on product pages:

1. Using the basic WooCommerce user interface

2. Using the enhanced CusRev user interface

You can switch between the basic and enhanced review interfaces by adjusting the Visual Style option on the Review Extensions tab of the CusRev plugin's settings. The setting to limit the number of reviews shown on product pages will depend on which visual style you are using to display reviews.

Basic WooCommerce User Interface for Reviews

If you are using the basic WooCommerce user interface to display reviews, there is a standard WordPress setting that defines how many reviews or comments will be displayed on a page. You should go to Settings > Discussion from the Wordpress dashboard. Then, under Other comment settings find the check the box that says "Break comments into pages with [number]...". Whatever you set the [number] as is how many reviews will be shown on the review tab. The rest will get paginated.

Enhanced CusRev User Interface for Reviews

If you are using the enhanced CusRev user interface to display reviews, there is an option Default Quantity of Reviews that defines the number of reviews that will be shown after the initial page load. Go to Reviews > Settings > Review Extensions to adjust this option.

More Questions?

We hope that this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions about the plugin, please don't hesitate to post them on our support forum or submit a ticket for our support team (available for customers with Pro licenses).