Customer Review (CusRev) plugin collects reviews via aggregated review forms. This article explains what is an aggregated review form and how it is different from traditional review forms.

An aggregated review form is a review form that supports collection of reviews for multiple products at the same time. Aggregated review forms provide significant benefits comparing to the traditional review forms:

  1. Make the review process smother and more convenient for customers
  2. Increase the number of reviews

For example, imagine that a customer purchased three products from a store. The traditional review forms would require high efforts from the customer. They would have to visit three different pages for each product. Next, the customer would have to login to WooCommerce store but most of customers don’t remember their passwords, so they would have to reset them. Also, most of WordPress sites don’t load very fast and not optimized for phones, so this would lead to poor user experience for reviewers. As a result, the number of customers submitting reviews would be very low.

As an improvement to the traditional review forms, we introduced aggregated review forms. Here are the main features of these forms:

  • An aggregated review form includes all products from an order on a single page
  • The URL of this form is only known to the customer who made the order, so no additional logins are required
  • The form is optimized for mobile devices because many customers review their purchases from phones
  • Aggregated review forms can be hosted either locally on your own web server or on
  • The option to use an independent third-party domain helps to indicate that reviews are handled unbiasedly
  • hosts review forms on AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers with CDN to ensure blazing fast loading speed
  • In the Pro version, the forms provide an option for customers to indicate where they are from and display a flag of their country

Here is an example of an aggregated review form:


Final Words

We hope that this tutorial was helpful. If you have any questions about the plugin, please don't hesitate to post them on our support forum or submit a ticket for our support team (available for customers with Pro licenses).